Excel Formula to Get Financial Year from Date
I am a Finance Professional and Excel Enthusiast. This is my first blog. Almost all of our reports need the financial year (in YYYY-YY format) details to bifurcate/classify the financial transactions. The excel formula below can be used to get the Financial Year by pointing to the date cell. The formula presumes Financial Year ends in March every year. The formula uses LET function, available in Excel 2019/365 . =LET(date, A1 , year0,YEAR(date), year1,YEAR(date)+1, IF(MONTH(date)>3,year0&"-"&RIGHT(year1,2), year0-1&"-"&RIGHT(year0,2))) For other versions of Excel, the following formula would work; =IF(MONTH( A1 )>3, YEAR( A1 )&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR( A1 )+1,2), YEAR( A1 )-1&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR( A1 ),2)) A1 denotes the cell containing the date. Hope this formula can save your time in writing the years that need to be mentioned i...